Back up a YouTube channel with JDownloader2


Did you know if that if YouTube deletes your channel, even if they do it in error and it’s “restored,” the content is gone forever–unless you have a backup? I found that using Google Takeout can be really cumbersome with large channels and the collection of files and data it gives you aren’t in a form that is very helpful for restoring things. After searching around (like, a lot), I found a great video on YouTube from GSheets with a whole different approach.

Tiia Monto, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This tutorial may gloss over some of the Google Sheets aspects he specializes in, so check out his video for that. But I’ll go a lot deeper into how to use JDownloader2 in the process. This is something I originally wrote as part of my job at Portland Community College, but I thought it’s worth making available to the world at large.

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What I think about when I think about updating

updates_screen_webUpdating an operating system used to be a lot more exciting than it is now.   Put simply, things would break. And for a time in Apple’s checkered past, it wasn’t as much “if” as it was “what.” Even if there was a change sheltered behind a couple of dots in the version number, there were very good reasons to be cautious.

Things are a whole lot better now, but it can save you a lot of grief down the road if you still treat these updates with a little care and preparation. Rolling back a Mac OS to an earlier version is not necessarily easy if you’re not ready. Continue reading